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Ashtanga Vinyasa



Yoga for menaupause




Ashtanga Vinyasa






Yoga for kids




Yoga for all


Ashtanga Vinyasa



Yoga Nidra

on line

With Natasha



Ashtanga Vinyasa







Ashtanga Vinyasa



Yoga for menaupause



Ashtanga Vinyasa Intensive Classes

(​monthly courses)



Ashtanga Vinyasa


On line

10.15- 11.30

Yoga for all


Course of

Yoga - Meditation

for the chakras

Για τον μήνα Απρίλιο τα μαθήματα θα γίνονται κανονικά μέχρι και τις 26/4.

Kατά την Μεγάλη εβδομάδα, θα γίνουν τα μαθήματα:

Αστάνγκα mysore

Τρίτη 6.00-7.30μμ (εκτάκτως)

Τετάρτη 6.30-8.00μμ

Μαθήματα για την εμμηνόπαυση

Δευτέρα και Πέμπτη 7μμ

Γιόγκα Νίντρα

Τετάρτη 8-9μμ

Θα συνεχίσουμε κανονικά μετά τις 13/5 στην αίθουσά μας ξανά!

Tα μαθήματα που είναι στο πρόγραμμα

γίνονται με συμμετοχή 3 ατόμων σε αυτά.


A short note about Mysore practice where all levels of practitioners work together...
Mysore is is a region in South India, where Shri K. Pattabhi Jois -the Guru- taught the traditional method of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga as we know it today. Ashtanga Yoga classes are given the name "Mysore" as a memory of the way guruji taught. Traditionally, practitioners build on the series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga gradually, starting with a shorter practice at the beginning, adding on the next asana (posture) given from the instructor. The approach and guidance is done on a personal level (one by one) to each aspirant, according to the level at which he is in his practice as well as in his mind. Using descriptive explanations as well as physical corrections, the teacher guides the student, step by step, on the method, giving the asanas one by one with respect and gratitude to the tradition of this spiritual exercise.

Ashtanga Vinyasa


"Practice and all is coming."

Yoga means union of boby, mind and soul. Ashtanga means eight limbs. It is the path to liberation yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi. Ashtanga yoga is the tool, which with continuous and determined practice, can bring balance and harmony to the practitioner and lead him to find himself. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an ancient yoga system. The person who brought the method to the west is Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, student o Shri T. Krishnamacharya who had written down the method as given to the ancient text Yoga Korunta, and through practice he transmitted it to his students, by introducing each one to the method, according to their physical potential.The combination of movement and breathing (Vinyasa), the free, deep and audible breathing (Ujjayi), the engagement of the pelvic floor (Μulabandha) and the focal point (Dristhi) are the important points of the method. Ashtanga

Ashtanga Vinyasa


"Practice and all is coming."

Yoga means union of boby, mind and soul. Ashtanga means eight limbs. It is the path to liberation yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi. Ashtanga yoga is the tool, which with continuous and determined practice, can bring balance and harmony to the practitioner and lead him to find himself. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an ancient yoga system. The person who brought the method to the west is Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, student o Shri T. Krishnamacharya who had written down the method as given to the ancient text Yoga Korunta, and through practice he transmitted it to his students, by introducing each one to the method, according to their physical potential.The combination of movement and breathing (Vinyasa), the free, deep and audible breathing (Ujjayi), the engagement of the pelvic floor (Μulabandha) and the focal point (Dristhi) are the important points of the method. Ashtanga


To meditate means to stay in the deep understanding of life without making any effort. In order to reach this level, one has to dissolve all the veils that keep him away of having awareness in life and feel stressed. The practice is about observation and cultivation of awareness. Exercises to reach the Meditation State are necessary for everyone, and can be done in every moment of the day. It is a great tool that can really change people's lives by bringing total happiness!

Prenatal yoga

Katerina Zougrou ​​as a mother and a trained maternity assistant can support a woman in pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period. Depending on each woman, she uses yoga, meditation, massage, nutrition, gentle bioenergetics and discussion, to inspire her to an awakening experience of childbirth and motherhood.


for all

Anyone, regardless of age or physical or social status, can practice yoga and live a harmonious life. With the correct training of the spine through proper posture, joint lubrication, muscle strengthening and breathing one benefits with wellness and peace of mind.

The "yoga for all" section is for anyone at any age, who wants to approach yoga in a mild way for reasons that make it difficult for them to join more dynamic sections. The classes are with a few people and the presentation is always done with respect and humor. Musculoskeletal problems, injuries, cancers, psychosomatic disorders and anything else that makes mobility difficult will not be an obstacle to attend this section. Yoga is also a great opportunity to recover after a surgery and the safest way to get the woman's body into shape after pregnancy and labour.

Kids yoga

Yoga for children is a playful approach to yoga, easy and enjoyable, but it has many of the benefits of the method. Children play by moving their body, practicing discipline and relaxation and gaining a sense of self.

The classes are small and depending on the ages of the children.

for women in menaupause

After the age of 35, a woman begins to experience some major changes in her body and these changes continue as she grows older. In this phase, estrogen, muscle tissue and bone mass also decrease. Hormones decrease bringing women face to face with various symptoms such as incontinence, prolapse, extra pounds in the abdominal area, fluctuations in mood, and body temperature etc.. This is because the change in hormones can directly affect the tissues of pelvic floor and all body systems.

With the classes we will bring strengthening and stimulation of the muscle tissue, balance in the endocrine system, revitalization of the immune, lymphatic and circulatory systems that positively affect the whole organism. In addition, we will deal thoroughly with the pelvic floor to bring the best to the area and reduce the symptoms.

It is important for women to learn what their system needs to be strong and functional. To prepare their bodies as best they can for the changes that may occur. Although they cannot control how the hormones will affect the pelvic floor tissues, or which of the symptoms will be severe for them and which will be obvious, they will definitely be in a much better place if they have worked with the body and mind. , and has received more support.

Information and education are key elements that can provide relief and health and thus make the menopause from hoarse, a period of real rebirth for the woman!

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