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Katerina Zougrou was born the year 1977 in Athens and has graduated from the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens, department of graphic design and Photography

In 2004 she got involved with the traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga attending a Kristina Karitinou Ireland class. Under her guidance she attended the first teacher's training in 2006-2007 in the 1st series of Ashtanga and concluded her second training in the 2nd series in 2013. She started teaching as a personal trainer in Thesallonniki.

Since 2007 and until today, she is a student of Jean Caude Garnier, learning and going deeper to the Ashtanga Yoga system as it was taught by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois. He was a student of Shri K. Pattabhi Jois and he is an excellent Yoga Instructor and osteopathy therapist (Ashtanga Yoga Institute, Brussels). She finished the teach

She has attended workshops with Dominic Corigliano, Graeme & Leonie Northfield on the system of Asthanga, with Diane Long student of Vanda Scaravelli, and she has being student of George Fotiadis in Satyanada yoga.

She is also involved in meditation and the practice of awareness as a part of everyday life under the guidance of Lama Tilmann since 2008 by attending his teachings when available.

During her 3 trips in India (2005, 2007, 2009) she learned about ayurvedic cooking and she visited the Satyananda Asram in Bihar for participating in Yagnia -the fire ceremony.

In 2010 she was trained in therapeutic ayurvedic massage in the Ancient Greek and Traditional Chinese medicinal Academy. With continuous workshops and seminars she is getting deeper in knowledge for the body, mind and soul through touch and therapy.

In 2012 she got familiar with Gentle Bio Energetics - which is the system of body psychotherapy of Eva Reich.

Since she started teaching in 2005, in her class there is always respect of the body and the constitution of each practitioner.

Ashtanga Yoga is according to her, an exceptional method for self-awareness, therapy and development of a human being. A great path that helps the aspirant have a meaningful life

Through the combination of practice, nutrition and therapy everyone can have a better quality of life and longevity.

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